4 septembre 2008

NEw YorK!!!

i want to go back to New York this winter. Last year we had amazing time there!!! sooo Romantic,Fantastic and MAGIC.

7 commentaires:

Blogette a dit…

I love the Alice McCall dress!!
NY is so lovely! I wish I was there!

leeselooks a dit…

thanks SO much for your beautiful comment.

you are EVER- so stylish + sweet.

i too wish i could go back right now (!!!) the city is like nothing else...

margault a dit…

i wish i could go back right now too !

Rumi Neely a dit…

I fell in love with New York toooo

Laura Kelly a dit…

My Home!! You have to come live with me! xxx

Mlle-Prekopova a dit…

i love this outfit !

Meg a dit…

Hi Marta, what is the brown bag you are carrying in some of these photos? So pretty. Love to see your looks and smile x